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Our Services


    A proven collaborative creation process
    that turns your idea into reality.

    Custom Software & App Development

    Get a competitive edge with a tailored software & Mobile App solution
    that delivers on your outcomes.

    AI Development

    Helping you plan, design and develop AI solutions that scale your business.


    Why Aerion is Different?


    We help distil your idea into core value-producing elements.


    Aerion’s high-quality team will work with you to complement and fill your tech skill-gaps.–-1-2.png


    Helping you through the whole process of idea to development - from start to finish.


    Constantly learning and evolving to help you as best as we can.

    Why Our Clients Love Us?

    Martin Coyle, Director of MyHome Australia, eloquently expresses the transformative collaboration with Aerion Technologies and their DevReady process.

    Martin highlighted the unique value Aerion brings to the table and emphasized their intellectual prowess—going beyond mere concept creation. With a wealth of real-world knowledge, practical insights, and time-saving suggestions, Aerion stood out to Martin in delivering prompt and effective solutions.

    Moreover, Martin commends the transparency and precision evident in Aerion’s documentation, underlining the reliability of their approach. What truly sets Aerion apart, according to Martin, is the genuine care and active interest in being a true partner throughout the journey. The industrial-strength development application process is depicted as a strategic powerhouse, ensuring long-term usability, adaptability, and a swift return on investment.

    Aerion Technologies stood out to Martin for its architectural foresight, big-picture thinking, and an understanding of what truly matters in development. In essence, Martin’s testimonial paints a vivid picture of a collaboration that transcends conventional service-provider relationships, embodying a vested interest in client success and a commitment to delivering value at every turn.

    Russell O’Connell, the founder of MyHome, a long-standing home services business in the UK and Australia, sought a seamless digital transformation to support the company’s significant expansion. This need was met by Aerion Technologies and their DevReady process, which Russell found to be a groundbreaking and logical approach that resonated with his vision.

    A differentiator for Russell was that Aerion took the time to understand MyHome’s business. The DevReady process involved in-depth business immersion and collaborative live discovery sessions, which allowed for real-time adjustments and decisions, ultimately saving time and ensuring a deep understanding of business goals and needs.

    Aerion’s commitment to finding solutions and their proactive problem-solving instilled confidence and transcended the project at hand. Aerion’s innovative, collaborative, and committed spirit was highlighted.

    In Russell’s words, “Whatever we’re doing in the future, whatever obstacles we come up with, we’ll find out a way how we’re going to fix that.” This reflects the essence of the partnership with Aerion—a journey not just about technology but about a shared commitment to success.

    Surge Singh, the co-founder of Locumate, a platform connecting pharmacies and locums in Australia, expressed his positive experience with Aerion Technologies and their unique offering, DevReady. Surge initially encountered Aerion through a podcast and was drawn to their approach to software development, finding it simple and appealing.

    He highlighted the seamless collaboration with Aerion’s team, particularly praising the product manager for translating technical complexities into simple terms and the development team for efficiently addressing issues. Surge emphasized the collaborative effort to refine the application’s roadmap, balancing valuable features with simplicity. Surge also acknowledged Aerion’s edge with a robust testing team that ensures a frictionless user experience by meticulously reviewing every aspect before release.

    He underscored the crucial support provided by Aerion in guiding non-technical founders through the app development journey and recommended their services to others in need of app development.

    Surge’s testimonial serves as a testament to the success achievable with Aerion’s DevReady process, particularly in the context of non-technical founders seeking to navigate the complexities of app development and deliver better outcomes for their businesses.
    "The projects we work on are complex. Working with Aerion means that we can evolve the way that we are working, we can change direction quickly and we can deliver our projects faster."
    Chief Digital Officer at Aurecon
    "It’s one thing to say what could be done but it is another to actually deliver. The experience of working with Aerion has been fantastic. From my team to yours, thanks a great deal."
    Director Devices at Essilor
    "Aerion provided us with a simple and easy to use retail marketing solution that allows us to manage and operate in-store promotions over 900 pharmacies around Australia."
    National Manager at Symbion

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