Low Code/ No Code Development

Melbourne-based app developers helping you create apps, automate processes, and design business sites with drag-and-drop simplicity.

Traditionally, application development took two routes: one, required you to buy ready-made apps from an external vendor; and for the other, you could customize an app using developers and coders.

In each of those cases, a developer would describe a high-level intent in machine-agnostic language, and have the code compiler generate machine-specific code underneath. Low Code/No Code (LCNC) development is changing that.

LCNC development platforms are visual software development environments that allow developers to drag and drop application components, connect them, and create mobile/web applications.

This means there is no need to write each line of the code from scratch. In fact, you don’t even have to be a software developer to build and test applications. With LCNC platforms, you can build apps with little to no knowledge of programming languages and machine code.


What are the benefits of LCNC development?

The benefits include

  • Easy to use
  • Faster development
  • Increased automation
  • Lower costs
  • Simple data integration
  • More agility
  • Better customer experience
Where can LCNC development be used?

This form of development is recommended if you run a small business.

LCNC development supports different types of applications as listed below:

  • Transactional systems for small businesses like a system for human resource management.
  • Small-scale automation to support smaller workflows.
  • Tools to aid marketers to automate marketing activities such as website personalization, email marketing, and digital ad trafficking.
  • Predictive analytics and machine learning software that takes the analyst or data scientist through an automated series of steps to create models that fit a training dataset.
  • Simple programs for configuration and set-up can be created by non-techs
What does LCNC development journey look like?

These are the fundamental steps in the journey:

  • Define your needs and desired outcomes
  • Frame a business process or workflow
  • Test and deploy your project as an LCNC application

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