Imagine this, you’ve got a great idea for the next big app. It’s going to be huge! But you build and take over the world with a website and not an App. Now you might be thinking why would I build a website when an App is where it’s at. Do you know why you...

On June 30th (Apple just extended the deadline from 30th Apple) will start rejecting apps from the app store because of one change. If you have a third-party login e.g. Facebook, Google, Twitter etc. Then unless you also add Sign in with Apple your app will start to be rejected and no longer meet their...

Now, it doesn’t matter whether you’re a startup doing it on your own or you’re just trying to launch a new product within an existing organisation you both have the same goals. Develop a great app and get it in front of your users.  Websites and web-based systems are simpler. You can be very crude...

Let’s say you’ve got an idea and you’ve approached someone and emptied your thoughts on them. You’ve been talking for 15 minutes and explained everything your idea should, could and would do. When you started telling people this idea it might have lasted 30 seconds then 5 minutes dep depending how much you’ve actually fleshed...

So what does an app cost? We probably get this asked by every second person finds who that we are in the development space. We develop apps, systems, API’s, Games and work with IoT and robotics with so much variety and experience you may think it’s easy to provide that number. The reason I love...
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