JQuery is a JavaScriptJavaScript is a scripting development language. Javascript is used to allow web pages to be interactive and is one of... library. At its peak, it was probably the most used JavaScriptJavaScript is a scripting development language. Javascript is used to allow web pages to be interactive and is one of... library across the internet.
The main benefit of using jQuery was the ability to interact with the structure of a web page and change the content or structure of the page at runtime from the client. jQuery also simplified APIAn API is an Application Programming Interface. APIs are used to allow systems to retrieve data from other systems. It... calls and the use of Ajax which was the ability to request data and then display that data on the page without refreshing the page.
Single-page application frameworks such as React Angular or Vue and many others have a different approach to developing these applications and do not use jQuery but were probably inspired by the library.