Everyone hears about the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... and that they should move their business there, but what does that actually mean? The cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... is just an umbrella term for highly available on-demand computers that are managed and run by a 3rd Party. The largest cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... providers at the moment are Amazon AWSAWS is an acronym for Amazon Web Services. This is Amazon's cloud computing infrastructure. AWS is similar to Microsoft Azure... followed by Microsoft AzureAzure is a cloud platform by Microsoft that provides you with many different services that you can consume on a....
There are two ways for a business to move the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,...: Transition or Transform. Depending on the type of business and how much risk is involved, this move to the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... could be a slow one or the initiative could begin overnight.
In the case of a new product or business, a transition won’t be necessary as you can start with a cloud-first strategy and develop your product or service offering for the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... from the onset. Hopefully, the application has been developed with a Transformative approach so that it can utilise all the benefits the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... providers offer. Otherwise, they have just transitioned an app to a cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... provider which could be run from any data centre.
For an existing business, there could be a huge amount of risk associated with moving to the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... and this is scary. You don’t have to move to the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... overnight and change everything; this approach rarely works and is scary for a reason.
First, you need to Transition.
Then you Transform.
It doesn’t matter if you have Line-of-business apps or internal or customer-facing apps; the above approach works for all.
The Transition to the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... allows you to start leveraging the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... provider’s infrastructure and remove infrastructure from your own organisation. This starts to reduce costs and lowers the amount of internal management that has to occur. You first need to start with the smallest things that are being done by your internal infrastructure and slowly move these to the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... to free up resources internally.
If you use Virtual Machines within your organisation, this can be started by first utilising Virtual Machines in the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,.... This change would not affect anything besides the way the machines are hosted and how they access your network.
Once you have transitioned one piece of infrastructure to the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... you can then make a plan to begin Transforming it and utilising the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... infrastructure instead of relying on existing structures and procedures.
I was provided with the following example of how to follow the Transition and Transformation flow. An organisation was maintaining a VMA VM stands for a virtual machine. Virtual machines are a type of computing where you can host an entire... within their own infrastructure, only with the purpose to run a backup script nightly. This script took 45 minutes to run but the VMA VM stands for a virtual machine. Virtual machines are a type of computing where you can host an entire... was utilising resources 24/7. Using the transition approach we could move that VMA VM stands for a virtual machine. Virtual machines are a type of computing where you can host an entire... to the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... in its exact state and nothing would change.
Then you could consider the Transformation to the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,..., and how the VMA VM stands for a virtual machine. Virtual machines are a type of computing where you can host an entire... could better utilise cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... resources. You could take advantage of automation within AzureAzure is a cloud platform by Microsoft that provides you with many different services that you can consume on a... to turn to the VMA VM stands for a virtual machine. Virtual machines are a type of computing where you can host an entire... on/off based on a schedule, cutting costs and only using resources when required.
You could then further transform the backup by determining if it can be run in another type of resource, replacing the VMA VM stands for a virtual machine. Virtual machines are a type of computing where you can host an entire... entirely. Is it something that can be called via code and executed on its own? If so, it could be scheduled to run daily from a cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... function that allows for long processing and dramatically reduces operating costs without losing any functionality while gaining more insights into how it’s operating.
The cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... can offer many advantages for businesses moving operations or apps; from the ability to burst in performance and scale on demand, to reductions in management and operating costs. How your business transitions to the cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... is not a straight-forward approach and needs to be planned thoroughly based on your requirements.
When you’re asked ‘is your cloud When referencing computing, the term 'cloud' refers to the generalisation of interconnected computers and services running on the Internet,... strategy transitional or transformational?’, you can answer with ‘por que no los dos?’ (why not both?).