BlogI wasn’t prepared to throw away $100,000

Who has spent money on software and regretted it??

I know some of you have! I know we all sometimes regret those little app purchases when you’re developing a new product it’s a whole other ball game.

It’s important to get the right time from the start, but sometime you may think you have the right time and spend a considerable amount on development. When you get to what looks like the finish line you realise what you have won’t work.

It’s a bold step to cut a project at that point and move-on to rebuilding it from scratch. Most times it’s for the best to take your learning and make a new and improved product that will deliver what you actually want.

In our Podcast with Judy Celmins she discussed this scenario with us and how she was “hoping” she could salvage it but in the end, it ended up costing her more than $100,000 in development to learn that lesson.

Don’t forget to share this with any startups or founders going through this process.

I’d love to hear your stories if you’ve been in a similar situation, Leave a comment below. We might even interview you for a future podcast.
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