IDE stands for Integrated Developer Environment. This is a specialized piece of software that helps developers create more software or apps. An IDE will typically have a source codeAny application or website that is written is developed using code of a specific language. That code is called the... editor with the ability to allow a...

JSONJSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a human-readable structure that allows data to be transmitted between software systems.... stands for JavaScriptJavaScript is a scripting development language. Javascript is used to allow web pages to be interactive and is one of... Object Notation. It is a human-readable structure that allows data to be transmitted...

Traditionally, application development took two routes: one, required you to buy ready-made apps from an external vendor; and for the other, you could customize an app using developers and coders. In each of those cases, a developer would describe a high-level intent in machine-agnostic language, and have the code compiler generate machine-specific code underneath. Low...

An iframeAn iframe is one of those older web technologies that allows you to embed another web page or website in... is one of those older web technologies that allows you to embed another web page or website in your web page. This technology provided an excellent way to navigate where one iframeAn iframe is...
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