“Scope Creep is like a Vine if you don’t control it becomes unwieldy and overwhelming. Scope Creep as a concept is not unique to software development projects but it applies to all industries and areas however it seems that there is always more leeway or more reasons to allow it within software projects. Whenever it...

Wireframes are a crucial tool in the early stages of any project – the clarity they provide to your conceptualisation, refinement and features is unparalleled. They can come in all shapes and sizes (depending on your type of app) as well as a varying level of detail included in them.

I was recently thinking about the question, “How could I influence organisational leaders to invest in technology today for the business of tomorrow?”.  A recent McKinsey Digital Global Survey found that 8% of companies believe their current business model will remain economically viable if their industry keeps digitizing at its current course and speed.  The...

Designing & Developing Software is an art, it’s also never perfect. There are always bugs and if you’ve found a developer who can promise you that there will be no bugs, you have found the 1 magic development firm or they’re lying. There are always bugs in code but not all bugs are deal-breakers or...

Software isn’t perfect, no matter what. When the people using your software are confused, need to get started, don’t understand a new feature, or are experiencing a problem, they will want to get help. If getting help is too hard, they will stop using it. Depending on their age and technical literacy, they may prefer reading...
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