Data is used in business for a wide range of purposes. The number of ways that businesses can use data science in finance, retail, manufacturing, and other industries is vast and growing; however, all businesses use data science for the same reason—to make informed decisions. Business-focused data scientists understand how to identify which business-relevant problems...

Restrictions on businesses and stay-at-home orders caused financial distress to plenty of businesses of all sizes and millions of people. The past years have been the “worst of times” for many of us. Neville Christie, a highly experienced entrepreneur and business mentor mentioned in an episode of DevReady Podcast that this pandemic has started a...

Building a perfect product is always a work in progress situation. And when you’re a startup, it’s not enough to only have a good idea, you have to be able to prove that your idea works, and is viable. You have to have the money and resources, the technology to make it work, and the...

This episode of the DevReady Podcast features Matthew Whyatt, Co-Founder and Technology Sales Specialist at Tech Torque Systems—the first integrated, purpose-built, precision growth system for the tech sector. Listen to the conversation as host, Andrew Romeo and Matthew talk about how tech businesses can be better positioned to sell more products and benefit more people....

The current global pandemic has put small businesses to the test like never before. SMBs reimagine and adapt their business models to the current situations. Some had to temporarily halt their operations, while others had to shift to remote work or devise innovative ways to get their products and services to the market. Almost every...
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